Sunday, February 10, 2008


behind the wheel
north towards the woods
... out of the way

the long familiar road
to where you once lived

A break of 3 years is quite long, and there have been reasons -- a friendship thrown away, the rediscovery of our marriage, and 45-hour-long work weeks. In between all that, two permanent employment contracts, a Master's Degree, and my first poetry collection Sorrows of the Chameleon, which I wrote more to express myself than to sell (although a little profit on the side won't hurt at all...). Enough said, except perhaps the hope that I can maintain this site a tad more faithfully.


Gabi Greve said...

Great to see you back and rolling, Ella san!

Never forget the password ... grin !


Bill said...

Found you, Ella. I'll add a link at my blog. Come up and see me some time

Ella Wagemakers said...

Thanks Bill and Gabi! It was not a password problem, but a Google account problem.

Gillena Cox said...

yellow poui
blooming again
and today

much love